Maintaining a comfortable indoor climate is important for the health and comfort of workers, as well as ensuring optimum work performance.
Insufficient ventilation (supply of fresh air) can result in a build-up of carbon dioxide levels that can result in occupants feeling tired and complaining of stuffiness. Too much ventilation, e.g. air movement faster than 0.2 m/s, may result in some staff complaining of the cold due to noticeable draughts.
Low humidity can cause dryness of the eyes, nose and throat. High humidity results in rapid fatigue and promote the growth of molds and bacteria.
Comfortable conditions in mechanically ventilated buildings depend on six variables: air temperature, air velocity, relative humidity, radiant temperature, occupant’s clothing insulation and occupant’s activity level. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineer (ASHRAE)’s Standard-55 defines a “comfort zone” based on these variables, where the majority of occupants are likely to feel comfortable
High carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations in offices can be an indirect indication of poor ventilation and contaminant build-up. Indoor spaces need to be ventilated with sufficient outdoor air to dilute contaminants and provide occupants with oxygen for breathing. ASHRAE Standard-62 recommends a minimum outdoor air supply rate to maintain a good indoor air quality.
As part of our IAQ evaluation we perform measurements of comfort parameters including relative humidity, temperature, air velocity, as well as ventilation rate and concentration of CO2.
Get in touch today to see how we can help